To know the best self-healing system in your body

Everybody is looking for the best doctors, the best medicine, the best treatment plan, but they never know, or they ignore that everybody has the best self-healing system itself, even though the best medicine will work through this self-healing system. because there are no medicines that can work on the dead body, when people are dead, this self-he...

  3045 Hits

How heat makes you sick

All people are familiar with heat but I will tell our people some exact information about the heat. In natural health, heat is fire energy, it consumes your water energy to make you feel annoyed.  Heat happens in summer mainly or hot circumstances. Heat is always together with dampness toxin to invade your body, if wind & heat attack you, ...

  2929 Hits

How cold makes you sick

Cold does not bother Elsa but it does bother ordinary people. All people are familiar with cold, but I will tell our people some exact information about cold.  In Heshoutang natural health, cold is water energy, it consumes your fire energy to make you feel freezing. It will freeze energy flow to make energy stasis, it will freeze blood flow t...

  2986 Hits

To know how the wind will affect you

The wind is in the first position of all six kinds of weather as we mentioned before: Wind, cold, heat, dampness, dryness, and fire. The wind is fire energy, it will consume your water energy and it is sportive. Wind will blow the world when it works with warm in Spring, everything will start growing; when it works with hot in Summer, everything wi...

  3064 Hits

The weather is important for your health

We are living in a world full of the impact of weather, we need to know some easy information to enjoy the weather's benefit and avoid harm from the weather. Weather includes wind, cold, heat, dampness, dry and fire.  The weather is from nature or human-made, human-made weather refers to the weather that is made by AC or heating system or ...

  2599 Hits

Menses Knowledge in Heshoutang Natural Health

Menses or period is a very ordinary word which has been known by all people especially women. Today we will give some new information about menses in Heshoutang natural health: Menses is the monthly discharge of blood from the uterus of nonpregnant women.Menses happens from puberty to menopause of women.Menses shows that why you are a woman.Normal ...

  3180 Hits

Why lab & machines can find very limited health issues​

There are two kinds of health issues what people have, one is functional level, the other is organic level. When health issues are in functional level, you can feel, but they cannot be found in lab or by machines because lab and machines can only find organic health issues. All Suboptimal health people are in functional level health issues, they take up 70-80% of global population, that is why we say lab & machines can find very limited health issues.

  2502 Hits

Heshoutang Diatnosis Form|Other Problems

Other Problems Calculus/Stone is generated from hot dampness toxinIf stone is in gallbladder(LG system), people will have nausea, bitter mouth, jaundice, stomach sharp pain, discomfort or pain on sides of body, because hot dampness blockage, LG energy will be in stasis level and blood blockage possibly too, we will choose StomachPlus, HappyForte an...

  1197 Hits

Heshoutang Diatnosis Form|For Women Only

For Women Only Menstruation/Period is the mark of woman, it shows if women are healthy or not, it shows if women can have babies or not, it shows original energy situation of women, it is connected with LG system, if menstruation/period is normal, women will have no big health issues. LG blood low, patients have "menstrual cycle always delayed", "a...

  1126 Hits

Heshoutang Diatnosis Form|Heart & Small Intestine System

Heart & Small Intestine(HS) HS is the king of the body. It controls huma awareness and dominates joy and laughter. Too much joy and laughter will harm HS. HS controls blood flow and circulation in the body. It is connected to sleep, the face, and the tongue. Palpitation/Arrhythmia/Chest pain/Pressure in the Chest/Shortness of Breath:May occur w...

  983 Hits

Heshoutang Diatnosis Form|Liver & Gallbladder System

Liver & Gallbladder(LG) LG is responsible for decisions, helps digestion, stores blood, and connects the tendons, nails, and eyes. For women, LG controls fertility, breasts, ovaries, and the uterus. Body sides suffering, easily angry, anxiety and depression: May be caused by LG energy stasis. HappyForte is recommended to smooth LG energy.Numbne...

  1122 Hits

Heshoutang Diatnosis Form|Kidney & Bladder System

Kidney & Bladder (KB) KB dominates shock and scare. If a person often gets shocked and/or scared, it will harm their KB. KB generates confidence, controls memory, and connects with bones, bone marrow, spine, spine marrow, and brain. KB also connects with sex and fertility. KB controls urine and defecation. Even ears, hair, and teeth are under t...

  1103 Hits

Heshoutang Diatnosis Form|Lung & Large Intestine System

Lung & Large Intestine (LL) LL dominates sadness and sorrow. Excessive sadness and sorrow will harm LL. LL controls the airways and breathing. It is connected to the skin, throat, and nose. Cough with white, thin & clear phlegm: Cold toxin in LL causes this issue. While removing phlegm, we need to warm LL. Lung Fire Pill and Phlegm Pro Pill...

  1159 Hits

Heshoutang Diatnosis Form|Stomach & Spleen System

Spleen & Stomach(SS) SS dominates thinking. Overthinking will make LG energy stasis and harm SS. SS controls digestion, muscles, the four limbs, lips, and generates phlegm/mucus. SS is the energy source for human beings. Healthy conditions related to SS will positively affect the improvement of disease recovery. Appetite Strong:It shows low SS ...

  1153 Hits

Heshoutang Diatnosis Form|Personal Information

HESHOUTANG DIAGNOSIS FORM The Heshoutang Questionnaire is a tool that Heshoutang members will use to perform personal assessments and determine health strategies for their clients.The questionnaire consists of symptoms that are understandable by most people, rather than the use of complex terms.The Heshoutang Questionnaire works by translating symp...

  1250 Hits

Heshoutang Personal Assessment Rule

HESHOUTANG PERSONAL ASSESSMENT RULE Energy low-Replenish it;Energy stasis-Smooth it;Blood stuck and blockage-Break it;Phlegm-Remove it;Hot dampness toxin-Clear it;Fire excessive-Calming down it;Cold-Warm it;Hot-Cold it;Close-Open it;Open-Close it. PRODUCTS RELATED WITH HESHOUTANG PERSONAL ASSESSMENT RULE Energy low-Replenish it Water energy low Lun...

  1165 Hits

Heshoutang Diagnosis Concepts|Hot Dampness Toxin

HOT DAMPNESS TOXIN Hot Dampness toxin is generated by greasy and spicy foods, or from hot, humid weather. It is a toxin that is very stubborn, making people feel bored, and can take a long time to treat. HOT DAMPNESS TOXIN SHOWS POSSIBLE SYMPTOMS Burning urine, Dripping urine, Painful urine, Frequent urineStool with mucusStonesAurigoHepatitisThick ...

  1202 Hits

Heshoutang Diagnosis Concepts|Hot Toxin

HOT TOXIN Hot Toxin is generated internally by low water energy and can be produced externally by heat. It belongs to fire toxin and can transform functions of the human body to a hyperactive level. Hot toxin consumes water energy by burning the body. HOT TOXIN SHOWS POSSIBLE SYMPTOMS Bad breathSerious thirstySerious hungryPrefer cold foodsYellow &...

  1357 Hits

Heshoutang Diagnosis Concepts|Phelgm

 PHLEGM Phlegm is generated from SS. Phlegm is stored in LL, joints, and other spaces of the body.Phlegm is normal stuff, such as LL is using phlegm for keeping the system clean, and joints and body spaces are using phlegm to supply nutrients. Phlegm is a natural substance that the LL uses to maintain a clean system, while joints and body spac...

  1295 Hits

Heshoutang Diagnosis Concepts|Stuck & Blockage

STUCK AND BLOCKAGE The term is used to describe the flow of blood in the body. The blood flow in the body is blocked or stuck. It is the opposite of being smooth. A stuck or blocked flow of blood indicates the problem is at the organic level and at a middle or late stage. It is a more challenging disease to manage. The person with the blood flow th...

  1097 Hits

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