How dry makes you sick

When we talk dry, most people will remember desert, yes it is, that is how dry to show in geography, in weather, dry happens mostly in Autumn, in Human organs, it is connected with Lung system, it is one of jewelry God created for us, but if excessive, it will consume your water energy, to make dry skin, dry cough, dry throat and other related prob...

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To know how the wind will affect you

The wind is in the first position of all six kinds of weather as we mentioned before: Wind, cold, heat, dampness, dryness, and fire. The wind is fire energy, it will consume your water energy and it is sportive. Wind will blow the world when it works with warm in Spring, everything will start growing; when it works with hot in Summer, everything wi...

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Para saber como te afectará el viento

El viento está en la primera posición de los seis climas como mencionamos antes: viento, frío, calor, humedad, seco y fuego. El viento es energía del fuego, consumirá la energía del agua y es deportivo. El viento soplará el mundo, cuando trabaje con calor en primavera, todo empezará a crecer; cuando funciona con calor en verano, todo crecerá rápido...

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