Heshoutang Diagnosis Concepts|Low/High


Heshoutang diagnosis is based on several key concepts found in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and we recommend that anyone consulting with Heshoutang clients become familiar with them.

When assessing a client's health challenges, these concepts provide a more comprehensive understanding. Ask the right questions, evaluate, write your report, and recommend the right approach. Using the five systems as a model, let's examine these concepts step by step. 


  • Used for describing the imbalanced energy levels in the Heshoutang Natural Health System.
  • Low water energy means water energy is in short supply in your body.
  • Water toxin high means water/cold toxin is excessive in your body.
  • Low fire energy means fire energy is in short supply in your body.
  • Fire toxin high means fire toxin is excessive in your body.

Related symptoms will be listed in each system below.


Stomach & Spleen System (SS)

Low/High SS symptoms:

  • Strong appetite*: It is a confirmation symptom for showing that your SS water energy is low and fire toxin is high. We need to replenish SS water energy and clean SS fire toxin to return to a normal appetite.
  • Low appetite and no appetite: It is a reference symptom for showing that your SS water or fire energy is low or that there is LG energy stasis. When you have low SS fire energy, your SS appetite function is at hypo level. You will have low or no appetite, but if you have low SS water energy, your SS fire toxin will burn microcirculation and reduce starvation nerve sensitivity to have low or no appetite. When you have LG energy stasis, it also reduces the starvation nerve's ability to deliver a hunger sensation, resulting in low or no appetite.
  • Burning stomach: It is a reference symptom for showing that your SS water or fire energy is low. When your SS water energy is low, your SS system will produce fire toxin that will burn the stomach. If your SS fire energy is low, your SS energy is weak and can't handle extra gastric acid. As a result, you'll feel a burning sensation in the stomach.
  • Bad breath*: It refers to the strong, unpleasant smell that comes from people's mouths even when they are far apart. This is a confirmation symptom that your SS water energy is low and your fire toxin is high. To eliminate bad breath, we must replenish SS water energy and eliminate SS fire toxin.
  • Acidic odor*: This refers to an indigestible odor coming from the mouth when belching or hiccupping. As a confirmation symptom, it indicates a low SS fire energy, weak SS energy, and the patient is unable to push food down into the intestines. Since the indigestive smell will emerge from the mouth, SS fire energy must be replenished in order to eliminate the acidic smell.
  • Vomiting undigested foods*: It is a confirmation symptom of SS cold toxin high. To remove cold toxins from the SS system, we must replenish SS fire energy.
  • Often thirsty: Low SS water or low SS fire is a reference symptom. Despite drinking a lot of water and feeling thirsty, the water does not satisfy a person's thirst. It shows low SS water energy and high fire toxin levels. Feeling thirsty but not wanting water indicates the presence of phlegm toxin in the SS system and low SS fire energy.
  • Often hungry*: There is a constant feeling of hunger that cannot be alleviated by food. The confirmation symptom indicates low SS water energy and high fire toxin levels. To deal with the hunger issue, we must replenish SS water energy and clean up fire toxins.

Lungs & Large Intestine System (LL)

Low/High LL symptoms:

  • Serious Cough*: When a cough lasts more than three months, it is considered serious. It is a confirmation symptom for low LL fire. Lung Fire Pills can help to relieve the serious cough by replenishing LL fire energy.
  • Dry Cough*: Dry cough refers to a cough without phlegm. This is a confirmation symptom for low LL water. Dry cough can be relieved by replenishing lung water energy by taking a Lung Water Pill.
  • Hard to Inhale*: It refers to the inhaling action of LL being difficult for an extended period of time (this does not include emergencies). This is a confirmation symptom for low KB fire. Reno Fire Pill must be used to replenish KB fire energy. If Reno Fire Pill does not work well, we can combine it with Lung Fire Pill.
  • Hard to Exhale*: It refers to the exhaling action of LL being difficult for an extended period (it does not include emergencies). Low LL fire is a confirmation symptom. LL fire energy can be replenished by using Lung Fire Pill.
  • Runny Nose*: The term "runny nose" refers to having watery mucus coming from the nose continuously. It is a confirmation symptom for low LL fire or cold toxin. We need to replenish KB water energy by using Reno Water Pill, and at the same time we need to clean KB fire toxins with BloodDetox. To replenish LL fire energy and remove cold toxins in the LL system, use the Lung Fire Pill.
  • Dry Throat*: A dry throat contains very little saliva. It is a confirmation symptom for showing LL water is low. You can relieve dry throat symptoms by taking Lung Water Pills to replenish LL water energy.
  • Dry Skin: The symptom is a reference for showing low LL water or low LL fire. It is important to look for other confirmation symptoms that will help us determine what type of situation is causing the dry skin. If we have low LL water, we need to replenish it by taking Lung Water Pill. Utilizing Lung Fire Pill can replenish LL fire energy if LL fire is low
  • Sweating Easily During the Day*: It refers to sweating no matter where one lives or where one is. Sweating is a confirmation symptom of low LL fire. In order for LL sweat function to return to normal, we need to replenish LL fire energy with SweatStop Pill.
  • Sweating Easily at Nighttime*: It refers to sweating during evening sleep. Upon awakening, the patient may not be aware that he or she was sweating, or the bed may seem damp. It confirms that the KB water level is low. The KB water level needs to be replenished to resolve this issue.
  • No Sweating: It refers to the absence of sweat no matter where you are. It is used as a reference symptom to show low LL fire, invasion of cold toxins, low LL water, and high levels of fire toxins. We need to identify other confirmation symptoms that can help us determine what is causing the problem. Lung Water Pill is used when LL water is low and energy is needed to replenish LL water. When LL fire is low, we need to replenish LL fire energy by using the Lung Fire Pill. The Sweating Pill can help drive the cold toxin out of the body if it is cold flu/cold toxin invasion.

Kidney & Bladder System (KB)

Low/High KB symptoms:

  • Dull pain in waist/spine/bones/knees/testicles*: It is a confirmation symptom of low KB water. Using Reno Water Pill to replenish KB water energy will relieve dull pain in the waist, spine, bones, knees, and testicles.
  • No Urine: No urine is a reference symptom which indicates low KB fire/hot dampness toxin, blockage/blood blockage/LG energy stasis. If the KB fire is low, the KB urination function is low, which results in no urine. Reno Fire Pill can be used to replenish KB fire energy to fix this problem. When there is hot dampness toxin in the KB system, or hot dampness toxin has already generated stones to block urination, we need RoClear with ProstatiCare to improve this issue. We can use RheuBeatPlus to break this blood blockage when there is blood blockage in the KB system, or tumor (which is a blood blockage). We can use LiverDetox or HappyForte to smooth energy stasis to fix this problem if there is energy stasis in the KB system.
  • Frequent urine: It is a reference symptom for low KB water/low KB fire/Hot dampness toxin. When the KB water energy is low and the fire toxin is high, the fire toxin will disturb the bladder, preventing it from holding urine. We need to replenish KB water energy by using Reno Water Pill, and at the same time we need to clean KB fire toxin with BloodDetox. If KB fire is low, the bladder cannot hold urine. Reno Fire Pill replenishes KB fire energy so frequent urination is possible. As a result, the bladder can hold urine and eliminate normally. RoClear with ProstatiCare will significantly improve this issue when the KB system has hot dampness toxin. It will result in frequent urination with dripping and burning urine.
  • Yellow or dark urine: It is a reference symptom for low KB water/Hot dampness toxicity. The frequent urine plan detailed above is used for treating yellow or dark urine.
  • Blood in urine: KB stones or low KB fire/low KB toxin is a reference symptom for low KB water and high fire toxin. The frequent urine plan detailed above is used for treating blood in urine.
  • Watery stool*: This is a confirmation symptom of low KB fire. Reno Fire Pill will help improve this issue by replenishing KB fire energy.
  • Stool always hard*: It is a confirmation symptom for showing low KB water, high fire toxin, and LG energy stasis. Reno Water Pill replenishes KB water energy, and BloodDetox cleanses fire toxin. LiverDetox must break LG energy stasis in order to resolve this issue.
  • ED* (Erectile Dysfunction): It is a confirmation symptom for having low KB fire (except in diabetes patients). To improve this issue, we need Reno Fire Pill for the first month's plan, UPOWER for the second month's plan, and RenoNature for the third month's plan.
  • Sex lasts less than 1 min*: It refers to men who have no erection issues. It is a confirmation symptom of having low KB water and high fire toxin. Reno Water Pill will replenish KB water energy, BloodDetox will remove the KB fire toxin, and MaXemen will produce and hold sperm to resolve this.

Liver & Gallbladder System (LG)

Low/High LG symptoms

  • Shaking Body*: Also referred to as a tremor. It is an involuntary, rhythmic muscle contraction leading to shaking movements in one or more parts of the body. It is a common movement disorder that most often affects the hands but can also occur in the arms, head, vocal cords, torso, and legs.
    • When one's body is seriously shaking, it is easy to tell. There are two ways to determine if a body is shaking mildly. One method is to ask the patient to stretch out and hold their hands for a few seconds. We say the patient has shaking body if there is obvious shaking of the hands. In the second method, the patient holds their tongue for a few seconds after stretching it. If the tongue is shaking, we will also say the body is shaking.
    • Shaking of the body is often associated with Parkinson's disease, but it does not necessarily mean the patient has it.
    • Shaking is a confirmation symptom of low LG blood and excessive fire toxin. It will cause a temperature difference among different organ systems. An internal wind will be generated, resulting in the body shaking. Reno Water Pill will replenish KB water energy and then LG blood will be replenished. We also need BloodDetox to clean fire toxin, Migrainum Pill to calm down the excessive fire toxin and to stop internal wind, so the shaking body will be resolved.
  • Blurred Vision: This is a reference symptom that indicates low LG blood/hot or hot dampness toxin attacking the eyes/low KB fire. With low LG blood, the eyes do not receive enough nutrients to function properly, resulting in blurred vision. In males, Eastern Coffee with RenoNature can replenish the LG blood to improve eyesight. Eastern Coffee with MensesBalance can help improve eyesight in females by replenishing LG blood. When hot toxin is in the blood, it attacks the eyes and causes blurred vision. To improve eyesight, Eastern Coffee with BloodDetox can clean hot toxin. If hot dampness toxin is in the blood, it causes blurred vision because it covers the eyes. RoClear and HappyForte, in conjunction with Eastern Coffee, can clear hot dampness toxin and improve eyesight. The Reno Fire Pill can replenish KB fire energy along with Eastern Coffee and improve eyesight if KB fire is low and the body is not able to push enough blood into the eyes.

Heart & Small Intestine System (HS)

Low/High HS symptoms:

  • Palpitation: This is a reference symptom showing low HS water, disturbance/HS water, and low fire. When HS water energy is low and fire toxin is high, it will quickly speed up the heartbeat. Use Heart Pill to replenish HS water energy, and BloodDetox to eliminate fire toxin. Combining the two can improve this type of palpitation. Palpitations and continuous murmurs can also be associated with phlegm toxin disturbance. Phlegm Pill can remove phlegm and improve this type of palpitation. When HS water and fire energy are both low, there can be a fast heartbeat, but with weak power. Palpitations of this type can be improved with Heart Pill as it replenishes the fire and water energy in the heart.
  • Arrhythmia: There is a low fire energy/energy stasis, and blood blockage/phlegm disturbance with this symptom. ·When HS fire energy is low, it can delay nerve conduction and cause an arrhythmia. HS fire energy can be replenished by using Heart Pill or Reno Fire Pill (if the patient has watery diarrhea, cold chest, etc.), which improve this type of arrhythmia. If LG energy stasis or blood blockage occurs, it can cause nerve conditions to stop or slow and lead to arrhythmia, chest pain, etc. Smoothing energy flow by using HappyForte or RheuBeatPlus to break blood blockages can improve this type of arrhythmia. When phlegm attacks the HS system, it can also slow nerve conduction down and result in arrhythmia. Phlegm Pill is a major product used to remove phlegm for patients with yellow and sticky phlegm. Phlegm Pro Pill is a major product used to remove phlegm for patients with thin, clear, white phlegm.
  • Insomnia & Restless Sleep: It is an indication of low HS water energy, high fire toxin, phlegm disturbance, and low HS fire energy. You sleep very few hours if your HS water energy is low and your fire toxin is high. SleepNature and Heart Pill can replenish HS water energy, while BloodDetox can combat fire toxin and improve this type of insomnia. With enough hours, the patient will have insomnia, but will also wake up easily if the HS fire energy is low. Heart Pill or Reno Fire Pill (if people have cold chest or watery diarrhea etc.) can replenish HS fire energy and improve this type of insomnia.
  • Sleepy*: This is generally a confirmation symptom of low HS fire energy. Reno Fire Pill can replenish HS fire energy and improve sleepiness.

For Female

Menses/Menstrual Cycle

  • A woman's menses is the monthly discharge of blood from her uterus when she's not pregnant.
  • A woman's menstrual cycle begins in puberty and ends after menopause.
  • A normal menstrual cycle facilitates pregnancy.
  • A normal menstrual cycle is the result of the patient's water and fire energy being in balance.
  • Menstruation helps to detoxify the body.
  • During each menstrual cycle, energy is renewed.
  • Menstruation is similar to giving birth.
  • To protect each menstrual cycle, follow the same precautions as during delivery.
    • No irrational emotions.
    • No sex.
    • No going outside in bad weather.
    • No touching of cold objects (including cold water)
    • No shower (please take a bath instead)
    • No consumption of cold food & drink.
    • No heavy lifting.

Low/High Female Symptoms

  • Always Advanced Menstrual Cycle: It is a reference symptom showing low KB or SS fire energy, low KB water, and high fire toxin levels.
  • Always Delayed Menstrual Cycle: This is a reference symptom that indicates low LG blood/low KB fire energy.
  • Menstrual Duration < 3 Days & Menstrual Flow is Low: It is a confirmation symptom of low LG blood. In order to improve this situation, LG blood needs to be replenished by using MensesBalance.
  • Menstrual Duration >7 Days & Menstrual Flow is Heavy: It is a confirmation symptom of low KB fire energy. To improve this situation, we must replenish KB fire energy by using Reno Fire Pill.
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