Side effects is not eligible for Herbs or herbal products

  • Side effects is problems that occur when treatment goes beyond the desired effect.
  • Side effects description is not applicable in herbs or herbal products.
  • Toxicity is applicable in herbs or herbal products.
  • Toxicity does not mean herbs or herbal products are bad.
  • Correctness is the only description for herbs or herbal products.
  • If the herbs or herbal products are correct for you, even they are strong toxicity,
    they are still good for you, you only need stop them after their task is done.

Ok, now we will explain the 10th chapter of Heshoutang natural health system, it is called side effects & herbs.I know almost everybody knows side effects what it means, but in fact it exists misunderstanding especially when people want to use this word to describe herbs or herbal products. Now we will explain the details about the concept or the opinion from Heshoutang natural health system.

Side effects are problems that occur when treatment goes beyond the desired effect. This kind of definition is from chemical knowledge, and it is an usual or common or general information for describing what is side effects, you know every medication or medicine or drugs have certain target or purpose when people want to use it, the side effects is the problems that occur when treatment goes beyond the desired effect, beyond the desired effect means that kind of effect is the people who do not want it, it is called side effects, this is common explanation what is accepted by most people, but if the people knows why the medication, why the drugs or chemicals have side effects, it is because, you know, the mechanism for the people to make this kind of medications, you know for each medication or each medicine or each chemical, they are the single structure with high purity to make it. Generally when anything if they have single structure and high purity, it is a poison, because the purity is too high, so because all the chemicals are made like this way with high purity ingredient to produce or to get the medication, so all the chemicals with this kind of mechanism to be made, they all have side effects because of what. Because of high purity, single structure and poison. So I hope every person, after you get the information from here, you should understand the side effects deeply, high purity, single structure and poison for everything, remember this kind of point, ok? And then you will understand the side effects in a deeper way.

But you know the side effects is from the chemical industry or chemical knowledge, it is used for describing the chemicals, and right now in the world there is chemicals and natural medicines or natural supplements, many people they use side effects this word to describe herbs or herbal products, but it is wrong, why it is wrong, side effect is not applicable in herbs or herbal products, yes, many herbs are very strong but this kind of strong or this kind of power ok? The toxicity to describe, so the toxicity is applicable in herbs or herbal products.

You know the side effects is the people do not want it, but the toxicity which is used for describing herbs, it does not means the herbs or herbal products are bad, because in the herbs or herbal products, the toxicity is classified as cold toxicity or the hot toxicity, and when the people get cold toxin in the body, the hot toxicity products or the herbs can deal with it, when the people get the hot toxin in the body, the cold toxicity products or the herbs can deal with it, the most important is what? When the toxicity herbs or the products finish its task, you should stop it timely and then this kind of toxicity herbs or toxic herbs or herbal products doing a great job for your health. So the most important, stop the toxicity herbs timely when it finishes its task, so in the herbs or herbal products, there is only correctness or the wrong to describe.

If this herb or this formula is correct for you, is good for you or not, if you can use the toxic herbs or the herbal products correctly, it will do a great job for you, that is difference between the side effects and the toxicity, so we need the correct words to describe the correct things, because the words, the knowledge will affect people's action, so if you want to spread the natural health to the whole world, to give the people clear and correct information and concept and opinion is the first important thing for us to do, so I hope everybody especially for Heshoutang members or the people who will become the heshoutang members in the coming future can understand this. Before you doing something, correct your knowledge, correct your opinion, correct your attitude first and then you take action and then you can get great achievements, thank you. 

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