An advice for people who work in freezing environments


Today I have a patient who has got arthritis and very serious cold joints pain, he even can not stand well, I feel very said when I saw he is suffering from this kind of joints pain, he has been working in freezing room about ten years, at the beginning, he was fine, but now he is suffering big joints pain. 

Nowadays, there are a lot of people working in freezing environments, but there are a few people know that they are getting cold invasion unconsciously and do some effective protection before the cold toxin can really make problems for you. For any health problems, the most important is to know how to avoid, not to treat when the problems already happened on your body. 

One more time again, I suggest any people, if you are working in freezing environments, whether you have got serious health issues or not from the cold toxin, please take one cup of ginger tea every day before you go to bed, or you can use Heshoutang moxa bag to soak your feet before you sleep.

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