Epilepsy in Natural Health



Epilepsy, a common chronic paroxysmal disease in the nervous system, is a clinical syndrome characterized by sudden transient cerebral dysfunction resulting from repeated abnormal electric discharge of neurons, manifested mainly as motorial, sensory, mental and behavioral disorders and vegetative nerve functional disturbance. The disease occurs in people of all ages from the new-born to the aged, most likely in those around 5 years old and teenages, and more common in males than in females, its incidence being 0.3%-0.7%.

In conventional medicine, it is not clear that why people could get this problem, but is usually associated with genetic and acquired factors. The former refers to congenital defects, and the latter includes craniocerebral injury, various kinds of cerebritis, meningitis, cerebroma, cerebrovascular disease, parasitosis, metabolic disturbance and intoxication.

In natural health, epilepsy could be caused by emotional disorder, congenital defect and drastic fright making phlegm accumulation, adverse energy flow and wind-phlegm blockage. The organ systems could be related with HS(Heart & Small Intestine), LG(Liver & Gallbladder), SS(Stomach & Spleen) and KB(Kidney & Bladder). If epilepsy could not be healed in a long time, KB energy will be seriously consumed and the problem will be more more difficult to manage.

In conventional medicine, treatments of epilepsy include:
  • Medicines called anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs), such as Sodium Valproate, Carbamazepine, Lamotrigine, Levetiracetam and Topiramate with a lot of side effects such as drowsiness, a lack of energy, agitation, headaches, uncontrollable shaking (tremor), hair loss or unwanted hair growth, swollen gums and rashes. Side effects are common when starting treatment with AEDs but you have to suffer. Some may appear soon after starting treatment and pass in a few days or weeks, while others may not appear for a few weeks.
  • Surgery to remove a small part of the brain that's causing the seizures if:
    • AEDs are not controlling your seizures
    • Tests show that your seizures are caused by a problem in a small part of your brain that can be removed without causing serious effects
      In these cases, there's a good chance that your seizures could stop completely after surgery, but the reasons that make seizures will be kept there, because surgery can remove affected organs while cannot change the environments which produce seizures. Risk of complications from surgery, such as problems with your memory, mood or vision. These problems may improve over time, or they may be permanent.
  • A procedure to put a small electrical device inside the body that can help control seizures, it is called Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS), it's thought this can help control seizures by changing the electrical signals in the brain. VNS does not usually stop seizures completely, but it can help make them less severe and less frequent. You'll probably still need to take AEDs. Side effects of VNS include a hoarse voice, a sore throat and a cough when the device is activated. This normally happens every 5 minutes and lasts for 30 seconds.
  • A special diet (ketogenic diet) that can help control seizures.

There are different types of epilepsy in natural health: Wind-phlegm blockage, excessive internal hot phlegm, blood blockage, HS (Heart & Small Intestine) and KB (Kidney & Bladder) energy low, LG (Liver & Gallbladder) blood and KB water energy low.

  • Wind-phlegm blockage: Main symptoms include falling down suddenly, unconsciousness, convulsions, upward staring, clenched jaws, spitting foamy saliva, and screaming during the attack, dizziness, chest distress and lassitude before the attack, white greasy tongue coating. Convulsions, upward staring, clenched jaws, screaming during the attack show internal wind in the body, we consider to use Migrainum Pill or MP Capsule to calm down internal wind; spitting foamy saliva, white greasy tongue coating show cold phlegm toxin in the body, we consider to use Phlegm Pro Pill or PPP Capsule to remove cold phlegm toxin, while combining Clot Broker or CB Capsule to remove phlegm and improve circulation to supply nutrients and energy for brain and help for dizziness and unconsciousness.
  • Excessive internal hot phlegm: Main symptoms include falling down suddenly, unconsciousness, convulsions, spitting foamy saliva and screaming during the attack, impatience, restlessness, insomnia, bitter and dry mouth, difficult expectoration of sputum, constipation, red tongue with yellow greasy coating. Convulsions, screaming during the attack show internal wind in the body, we need to use Migrainum Pill or MP Capsule to calm down internal wind; spitting foamy saliva, red tongue with yellow greasy coating show hot phlegm toxin in the body, we consider to use Phlegm Pill or PP Capsule to remove hot phlegm toxin; impatience, insomnia show fire toxin disturbing HS(Heart & Small Intestine), Migrainum Pill and Phlegm Pill will help; bitter and dry mouth, constipation show excessive fire toxin and LG(Liver & Gallbladder) energy stasis, we consider to use LiverDetox or LDX Capsule to clean fire toxin and break LG energy stasis, while combining Clot Broker and CB Capsule to remove phlegm and improve circulation to supply nutrients and energy for brain and help for dizziness and unconsciousness.
  • Blood blockage: Main symptoms include suddenly falling down, unconsciousness, or possible muscle contractions of mouth, eyes and limbs, and purple complexion and lips during the attack, dizziness, localized headache, dark red tongue with occasional ecchymosis, thin and white tongue coating. Purple complexion and lips during the attack, dark red tongue with occasional ecchymosis are the key symptoms to tell that this kind of epilepsy is from blood blockage, RheuBeatPlus or RBP Capsule is the key formula for breaking blood blockage and improving ciculation; if convulsions are serious, add Migrainum Pill to calm down the internal wind, if too much saliva, Phlegm Pro Pill is considered to remove cold phlegm toxin.
  • HS(Heart & Small Intestine) & KB(Kidney & Bladder) energy low: Main symptoms include frequent recurrence, palpitation, amnesia, dizziness, soreness and weakness in the lower back and knees, lassitude, thin and greasy tongue coating. We need to replenish KB and HS energy by Reno Fire Pill or RFP Capsule, calming down the internal wind by Migrainum Pill, remove cold phlegm toxin(it is cold phlegm toxin because of thin and greasy tongue coating)combining with RheuBeatPlus or RBP Capsule, if the patient's stool becomes dry, we need to change Reno Fire Pill to RenoNature.
  • LG (Liver & Gallbladder) blood and KB water energy low: Main symptoms include frequent recurrence, absent-mindedness, dizziness, dry eyes, dark face, dry and lusterless helix, amnesia, insomnia, soreness and weakness in lower back and knees, dry and hard stool, red tongue. Reno Water Pill or RWP Capsule is used for replenishing KB and LG water energy, LiverDetox or LDX Capsule is used for hard stool, Migrainum Pill or MP Capsule is used for calming down the internal wind, RheuBeatPlus or RBP Capsule is used for improving circulation to help recovery.
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