Arrhythmia in Natural Health



Arrhythmia refers to any disturbance in the rhythm of the heartbeat, its symptoms include pale face, fatigue, chest pain or oppression, palpitation, insomnia and excessive sweating. There may appear rapid, slow, rapid-irregular, slow-irregular and intermittent pulses in arrhythmia cases. In some mild cases, symptoms such as dizziness, chest pain, shortness of breath, heavily sweating, cold limbs, even collapse may also be seen. Arrhythmia could induce stroke, heart attack and/or cardiac sudden death.

In conventional medicine, causes of arrhythmia are still not very clear, but it is mostly seen in patients with organic heart disease, such as coronary heart disease, myocarditis, cardiomyopathy, rheumatic heart disease, high heart disease, heart failure, etc., as well as drug poisoning such as digitalis and quinidine. In natural health, its pathogenic factors include delicate constitution, improper diet, overstrain, emotional upset, exogenous factors and drug intoxication.

In conventional medicine, treatment for heart arrhythmia may include medications, therapies such as vagal maneuvers, cardioversion, catheter procedures or heart surgery. In natural health, there are different types we need to differentiate: Low energy of HS(Heart & Small Intestine System) and LG(Liver & Gallbladder System), Hot Phelgm Disturbance of HS, water energy low and fire toxin excessive, HS & KB(Kidney & Bladder System) fire energy low, and HS blood blockage, according to different types, there are related treatment plan.

In natural health, people could get sickness from bad habits such as crazy emotions(anger, laugh, thinking, sadness, sorrow and fear), irregular foods & drinks intake, over work or amusement, too much sex; body exposure in crazy weather, for instance, crazy wind, crazy cold, crazy heat, crazy dryness, and crazy fire; people also could get sickness from inheritage. Whatever kind of problem you have, you can find out the root reasons from the above factors.

People could get arrhythmia from a sudden panic, hot phlegm attacking HS(Heart & Small Intestine System), crazy anger, long time sickness consuming too much energy, blood blockage of HS. 

A large number of statistical data found that long-term use of digitalis and quinidine can lead to arrhythmia.

In conventional medicine, the treatment for heart arrhythmia with rapid or rapid-irregular heartbeat may include medications, therapies such as vagal maneuvers, cardioversion, catheter procedures, or heart surgery. The patients need to take lifetime medications with many side effects; conventional medicine has no effective treatments for heart arrhythmia with a slow or slow, irregular heartbeat.

In natural health, there are different types we need to differentiate: 

Low energy of HS(Heart & Small Intestine System) and LG(Liver & Gallbladder System)

  • S\Symptoms: Heart palpitations, easily frightened, restless when sitting and lying, insomnia, and dreamful. The tongue coating is thin and white.
  • Diagnosis: HS & LG energy low, LG energy flow is messed up.
  • Treatment: Replenish HS & LG energy, calming down the mind. Heart Pill or HP Capsule will help replenish HS & LG energy and calm the mind; we need to improve circulation with RheuBeatPlus or RBP Capsule to help Heart Pill or HP Capsule to work.

Hot Phlegm Disturbance of HS(Heart & Small Intestine System)

  • Symptoms: Heart palpitations and vexation, excessive yellow & sticky phlegm with chest tightness, lack of appetite and/or nausea. The tongue coating is yellow and greasy.
  • Diagnosis: Hot phlegm disturbance of HS.
  • Treatment: Clear hot phlegm and calm down the mind. Phlegm Pill or PP Capsule will help to clear hot phlegm, Heart Pill or HP Capsule will help to calm down the mind; if the patient has severe constipation, add LiverDetox or LDX to help

Fire energy low of HS & KB(Kidney & Bladder System)

  • Symptoms: Palpitations, chest tightness, shortness of breath, pale face, cold limbs, dizziness, general nausea, bloated stomach, lack of urination, and possible edema in the lower extremities. The tongue coating is white and watery.
  • Diagnosis: Fire energy low of HS & KB, LG energy stasis, bad circulation.
  • Treatment: Replenish the fire energy of KB, smooth LG energy flow, and improve circulation. We will use Reno Fire Pill or RFP Capsule to replenish the fire energy of KB, HappyForte or HF Capsule to smooth LG energy flow, RheuBeatPlus or RBP Capsule to improve circulation.

KB Water energy low, fire toxin disturbance of HS

  • Symptoms: Palpitations, restlessness, dizziness, hot palms & feet, tinnitus and lower back pain, hands and feet, tinnitus and backache. Red or very red tongue, less or no coating.
  • Diagnosis: KB water energy low, fire toxin disturbance of HS.
  • Treatment: Replenish KB water energy, clean fire toxin, calm down the mind. Reno Water Pill or RWP Capsule will help to replenish water energy of KB, BloodDetox or BD Capsule will help to clean fire toxin, Heart Pill or HP Capsule will help to calm down the mind.

Blood blockage in HS

  • Symptoms: Palpitations and chest tightness, or accompanied by shortness of breath, fatigue, heartache, or emotional depression, tingling pain in the chest and hypochondrium, and purple lips or nails. The tongue is dark purple or with purple dots.
  • Diagnosis: Blood blockage in HS.
  • Treatment: Improve HS circulation. RheuBeatPlus and CardiOKare could help for this situation.
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