Individualized health what you should focus on

  • Individualization health refers to the different people, the different health plan should be made even though they have the same disease; the same people, the different time to see you, the different health plan also should be made.
  • Individualization health can maximize the possibility for people to have the correct health plan. One formula or one plan can not deal with people's health well.
  • Individualization health is the only correct health way for people.
  • Individualization health is what heshoutang is keeping and using for people.

Ok, now we will explain the chapter 8 of Heshoutang Natural health system, it is called individualized health. In fact, besides the health definition, individualized health is another concept which should be noticed which should be paid attention to by all the people. Because the health definition will decide what kind of health is health, is healthy, what kind of health shows you are healthy or not, that is the basic, but after you know what is health, you should know for the people who have the health issues, what kind of health plans, what kind of therapies, it is correct for your health. So individualized health will explain to every person this kind of information.

Firstly, we will explain to our people what individualization is. Individualized health refers to different people, different health plans, even for the same disease, or even for the same health issues; same people, different time, different health plan; different geographical or climatic environments, we could consider different health plans too, this is called individualized health.

Individualized health is used to describe the property or the feature of the treatment plans, health plans and therapies. Individualized health is the only correct health, is the only correct way for you to deal with your health issues. Individualized health is what Heshoutang is keeping and using, so this means Heshoutang health plans are individualized health plans. Individualized health can maximize the effective rate of the health plan.

Now we explain why, because for the same disease or the same health issue, for different people, it could be different organ systems are affected, and also for the same disease or the same health issues, different people the level of the problems also could be different. So when we give the plans or when you get the plans for your health issues, you can not get or we can not give one plan for everybody with the same disease name or with the same health issue, because different people, different organ system could be affected, different people for the same disease, could be in different stages, so one plan can not deal all the people's problems, and for the same people, let's say the people get diabetes, for early stage, let's say ten years ago and right now, or even though the last year and this year, or even yesterday and today, it could have different kinds of situations, it could have different kinds of organ systems are affected, and also it could be in different levels, so we have to analyze, we have to do assessment individually, if your health issue is in this kind of level, in this kind of organ, we could consider this plan for you, ok? but it could be different plans for other people with the same disease name but with different organ system affected or with different levels, even for the same people, in different time, we also need to decide the health plans according to the present your body situation, only this way can maximize the results of the plan, if this kind of health plan matches your problems, you can get improved faster, so individualized health is the only correct way for your health, this is very important, at least, if you use one plan or one formula for all the people, it can not reach 100% results, it is only possibly working for some people, it will not work for all, that is why we prefer individualized health for the people, this is also very easy to understand.

So the Heshoutang natural health system belongs to individualized health. Heshoutang members are using individualized health to deal with their clients, it is the best way for the people, it is the best way for Heshoutang members to improve their clients' health, thank you.

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