A Way to Deal with Poisonous Spider Bite

There are several species of spiders that are considered venomous and have the potential to cause harm to humans. It's important to note that while these spiders possess venom, they typically only bite in self-defense and are not aggressive toward humans unless provoked. Here are some examples of venomous spiders:

  1. Black Widow Spider (Latrodectus spp.): Black widow spiders are known for their shiny black bodies with a red hourglass-shaped marking on the abdomen. They are found in various parts of the world and their bites can result in symptoms such as severe pain, muscle cramps, nausea, and in rare cases, more serious systemic effects.
  2. Brown Recluse Spider (Loxosceles spp.): Brown recluse spiders are brown in color and have a distinctive violin-shaped marking on their back. They are primarily found in the United States. Their bites can cause local tissue damage and, in some cases, lead to necrotic skin lesions. Systemic effects are rare but can occur.
  3. Funnel-web Spiders (Atracinae): Funnel-web spiders are found in Australia and certain parts of Africa. They are known for their aggressive behavior and potent venom. The Sydney funnel-web spider, in particular, is considered dangerous, and its bite can result in severe symptoms, including rapid onset of pain, sweating, nausea, and difficulty breathing.
  4. Brazilian Wandering Spider (Phoneutria spp.): The Brazilian wandering spider is known for its highly venomous bite. It is found in South and Central America. Their venom can cause painful erections in males (priapism) and, in severe cases, can lead to cardiovascular and neurological complications.

Identifying a spider bite can be challenging, as the symptoms can vary depending on the type of spider, individual reactions, and other factors. However, there are some common signs that may indicate a spider bite:

  1. Sudden Onset of Pain: Spider bites may cause a sharp or stinging pain at the site of the bite. The pain may develop immediately after the bite or gradually increase over time.
  2. Redness and Swelling: Spider bites often result in localized redness and swelling around the bite area. The size of the affected area can vary depending on the individual's reaction and the type of spider involved.
  3. Itching or Rash: Some spider bites may cause itching or the development of a rash around the bite site. This can be accompanied by inflammation and discomfort.
  4. Two Puncture Marks: Some spider bites may leave behind two small puncture marks at the site of the bite. However, not all spider bites result in visible puncture marks, and other insect bites can also produce similar marks.
  5. Appearance of Blister or Ulcer: In certain cases, spider bites can lead to the formation of a blister or ulcer at the bite location. This is more commonly associated with venomous spiders like the brown recluse or black widow.
  6. Systemic Symptoms: While most spider bites result in local reactions, some individuals may experience systemic symptoms such as fever, headache, muscle pain, nausea, or dizziness. Systemic symptoms are more likely with bites from venomous spiders.

To treat the poisonous spite bite, ginger juice is a very good way to consider

1. Prepare fresh ginger 30 gram, cut it into pieces, and put it into blender, add one bottled water into blender too, run blender and get ginger juice.

2. Prepare another fresh ginger 30 gram, cut it into pieces, and put it into blender, run blender and get ginger paste.

3. Use ginger juice to wash the wound about 5-10 minutes before sleep.

4. After washing the wouds with the ginger juice, put the ginger paste on the wound, wrap it with a bandage and then sleep.

5. Repeat the above every day, generally about 7 days more or less, the poison will be cleared and the wound will close.

A real case that he used ginger about six days and healed the bite: 

It's important to exercise caution and take appropriate measures to avoid being bitten by any spider. If you encounter a spider and are unsure of its identity or potential danger, it is advisable to leave it undisturbed and contact local pest control or a professional in spider identification for assistance.

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