Schizophrenia in Natural Health


Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally. Schizophrenia may result in some combination of hallucinations, delusions, and extremely disordered thinking and behavior that impairs daily functioning, and can be disabling.

In conventional medicine, the exact causes of schizophrenia are unknown. Research suggests a combination of physical, genetic, psychological and environmental factors can make a person more likely to develop the condition. Some people may be prone to schizophrenia, and a stressful or emotional life event might trigger a psychotic episode. People with schizophrenia require lifelong treatment. Early treatment may help get symptoms under control before serious complications develop and may help improve the long-term outlook.

In natural health, schizophrenia is mainly from long time too much stress and overthinking situation to damage LG(Liver & Gallbladderor) and SS(Stomach & Spleen) systems, and then educated mind gets hurt to make people have schizophrenia. Further more, schizophrenia could also be from inheritance.

1. Slow onset, neurasthenia symptoms such as headache, insomnia, etc.

2. Psychiatric symptoms can be diagnosed if there are at least two of the following symptoms, and there is no disturbance of consciousness and high or low emotion: association disorder, delusion, affective disorder, auditory hallucination, behavioral disorder, decreased will, passive experience, thinking is inserted or withdrawn or compulsive thinking.

3. Criteria for the course of the disease: the period of the mental disorder lasts for at least 3 months.

4. Brain organic mental disorders, mental disorders caused by physical diseases, and mental disorders caused by psychoactive substances and non-dependent substances should be excluded.

1. Phlegm stagnation: 

  • Main symptoms include mental depression, apathy, dementia, incoherent speech, or monologue, moodiness, lack of appetite, bitter mouth, greasy tongue
  • The problems are from overthinking for something that they can not gain to make LG(Liver & Gallbladder) energy stasis, and then make SS(Stomach & Spleen) to have improper function and produce a lot of phlegm to affect the mind. 
  • We need to replenish SS energy by StomachPlus/SP Capsule, smooth LG energy flow by HappyForte/HF Capsule, remove cold phlegm(it is cold phlegm in this situation) by Phlegm Pro Pill/PPP Capsule, improve circulation by Clot Broker/CB Capsule to help.
2. Hot phlegm disturbance: 
  • Main symptoms include insomnia and startle easily, irritability, incoherent speech, red face, red eyes, emotional instability, food preference, red tongue with yellow and greasy coating.
  • The problems are from LG energy stasis, phlegm toxin generation and stuck, fire toxin generation to disturb the mind to have Schizophrenia.
  • We need to remove hot phlegm by Phlegm Pill/PP Capsule, clear fire toxin by BloodDetox/BD Capsule, smooth LG energy flow by  HappyForte/HF Capsule(if people have serious constipation, use LiverDetox/LDX Capsule instead), calm down mind by Heart Pill/HP Capsule, improve circulation by RheuBeatPlus/RBP Capsule to help.
3. SS & HS energy low:
  • Main symptoms include trance, confusion, palpitations, easy to startle, sad and crying, limb fatigue, poor diet, very slight red tongue with thin coating.
  • The problems are from long-term epilepsy to make SS and HS energy low while LG energy stasis.
  • We need to replenish HS & SS energy by Reno Fire Pill/RFP Capsule, calming down the mind by Heart Pill/HP Capsule, smooth LG energy flow by HappyForte/HF Capsule, improve the circulation by Clot Broker/CB Capsule to help.
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