By Heshoutang on Sunday, 12 February 2023
Category: Naturo Diet


Buckwheat is an annual herb plant with a maturity period of 75 days and two seasons in the north. Stems erect, 30-90 cm tall, upper branched, green or red, with longitudinal ribs, glabrous or with papillae along longitudinal ribs on one side. Leaves triangular or ovate-triangular, 2.5-7 cm long, 2-5 cm wide, apex acuminate, base heart-shaped, with papillae on both sides along the veins.

Buckwheat likes a cool and humid climate, is not resistant to high temperature, drought, and strong wind, is afraid of frost, likes sunshine, and needs more water.

Buckwheat is sweet, slightly acidic and cold. Selectively targeting the slpeen, stomach and colon energy channel(we call jingluo is energy channel here).

Buckwheat can strengthen SS(Stomach & Spleen) system, help digestion, smooth LG(Liver & Gallbladder) energy flow, detox your colon, and close the wounds. Backwheat can be used for gastrointestinal stagnation, diarrhea, dysentery, colon cancer, leukorrhagia, spontaneous sweating, night sweats, herpes, erysipelas, carbuncle on the back, scrofula and burn.

Buckwheat contains salicylic acid, 4-hydroxybenzylamine, N-salicylidenesalicylamine; quercetin, quercitroside, hyperoside, and rutin; O and P-β-D-glucopyranosyloxy benayl amine, oleic acid, linoleic acid, and carotenoids and chlorophyll. Buckwheat also contains three trypsin inhibitors TI1, TI2 and TI4.

Application of Buckwheat:

Nutritional value of buckwheat

​Pharmaceutical Study:

Who are good to eat buckwheat
Backwheat is suitable for majority of the people


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