Everybody is looking for the best doctors, the best medicine, the best treatment plan, but they never know, or they ignore that everybody has the best self-healing system itself, even though the best medicine will work through this self-healing system. because there are no medicines that can work on the dead body, when people are dead, this self-healing system will be gone too. 

You cannot see the self-healing system, but you can feel it, there are many kinds of sickness that will be recovered without any medication help, it really exists in your body. The self-healing system will work at a perfect level when you have very good habits to follow yourself spirit/mind features which are spontaneous, selfless, peaceful, broad-minded, fearless, and happy. 

When you have very bad habits to follow your educated spirit/mind features which are passive, selfish, irritable, narrow-minded, craven and worried, the self-healing system will work at a very low level, you will become sick. 

As we have said, self-spirit/mind will control your body when you are less than 3 years old, see the babies how fast recovery they have, you will understand how powerful working yourself healing system is!