Úlcera gástrica en la salud natural de Heshoutang

Úlcera gástrica en la salud natural de Heshoutang
Gastric ulcer is a very common disease that could be generated by bad emotional habits, bad habits of food and drinks, as well as side effects of certain drugs such as antacids, anticholinergic drugs, H2 receptor antagonists, proglumide, prostaglandin E2 synthetic agents, omeprazole, etc.

In Heshoutang Natural Health, gastric ulcer presents with different symptoms mentioned below, in this way you can check what type of gastric ulcer you have:

If you have a gastric ulcer, and you get angry easily, have a bitter mouth, sighs, acid reflux, and frequent stomachaches, it is because there is stopped energy in your liver system and smoothing the flow of energy from the liver is the solution, and it is You can help replenish energy and improve circulation in the stomach system with foods such as turnip and sage miltiorrhiza. The Heshoutang product combination for this type of gastric ulcer is: StomachPlus, HappyForte and RheuBeatPlus.

If you have gastric ulcer and you feel very weak with watery diarrhea and stomach pains, it comes from the stomach, the fire energy is low or there is cold toxin in the stomach, you must replenish the stomach fire energy or eliminate the cold toxin at the same time Improve the circulation of the stomach system by using brown sugar ginger tea and miltiorrhiza sage tea. For this type of gastric ulcer. The Heshoutang combination is: Reno Fire Pill, HappyForte and RheuBeatPlus.

If you have a gastric ulcer and feel severe stomach pains with heartburn, bitter mouth, acid reflux and severe constipation, it is because the water energy of the stomach is low and there is slowed energy in the liver with excessive fire toxin in the stomach ; Replenish stomach water energy and cleanse excessive fire toxin and smooth liver energy flow is the solution, foods like cactus juice will help this type of gastric ulcer. The Heshoutang product combination for this case is: LiverDetox, BloodDetox and RheuBeatPlus.

The root of the gastric ulcer should be cut by checking and eliminating its bad habits, also avoiding antacids, anticholinergic drugs, H2 receptor antagonists, proglumide, prostaglandin E2 synthetic agents, omeprazole, etc. All of this is very important to prevent the gastric ulcer from happening again. (To be continued >>) . (to be continued >>)
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