Como la sequedad te enferma

Como la sequedad te enferma

When we talk dry, most people will remember the desert, yes it is, that is how dry it shows in geography, in climate, dryness occurs mainly in autumn, in human organs, it is connected with the pulmonary system, it is one of God's jewels. created for us, but if it is too much, it will consume the energy of water, to dry skin, dry cough, dry throat and other related problems of the pulmonary system, because the dryness will easily attack your pulmonary system. Psoriasis is also related to dry toxin. To avoid the dry toxin before it invades your body deeply, Sydney Tremella SoupIt will help you a lot to eliminate the dry toxin when you have the above symptoms, if your problems are too long and have deepened, you can ask your naturopathic doctor for help ... (to be continued >>)

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Cómo cocinar la sopa Sydney Tremella
Como te enferma la humedad


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Lunes, 31 Marzo 2025

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